Pipetting correctly.

I am going to put my ego to one side, and just be honest myself.. I can not pipette at all! yeah sure I have used a micropipette before in laboratory settings but all this time I was pipetting incorrectly and no one told me...(until my training officer told me to review my pipetting skills)..

Anyway I found 2 useful YouTube videos:

The videos shows the common "Don't" and "Do's" when pipetting. Visually watching someone pipette, I feel has helped me better my pipetting skills in a way.

Things I did not know before: 
When dispensing liquid into a well, the tip needs to be at an angle (10-45°).

Plunger needs to be carefully moved back to its resting position (and not too fast!).

Pipette tip should not be immersed too far into the liquid (immersion to 2-3mm depth is suitable).

If there is remaining liquid in the pipette tip, depress the plunger to the second stop position.


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