
Showing posts from December, 2020

Passed IBMS Verification :)

 I can finally proudly say that I have passed my IBMS verification.. yikes what a journey it has been... all my hard work has really paid off! from writing my evidences to training in the lab - I can confidently say that I will not do my specialist training in immunology.. however it has been an experience to say the least. If anyone needs advice or help with evidences/portfolio please do not hesitate to ask :) OR if you want to chat...

Barriers To CPD By (Tahmina Hussain) - Workshop

  I have tried to attend The Biomedical Scientist Live virtual event.. although I was not able to attend the event as I am not a IBMS member.... instead, I watched the recording of the event (free of charge!) on IBMS Support Hub. In the session, examples of CPD were discussed throughout the workshop and reflective writing was also talked about in terms of how it can be challenging to get in the habits of writing reflectively as a Scientist.  It was also mentioned that the IBMS CPD scheme is not used by all members... I never even knew that such scheme existed..if I am being honest!  I should start using the CPD scheme!